Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back to the Bronx

January is probably the best time to photograph some of the estates in Riverdale, and that's where I'm headed this morning. After spending most of the summer and the fall walking in Queens and Brooklyn, nice to be back to the Bronx, even if it's just to see the same things all over again.

Once there I'll take the fairly new pedestrian walkway over the Henry Hudson Bridge and from there into Inwood, the Heights and then down Broadway to Midtown. In Washington Heights, I'll make a pit stop at El Malecón for some great Dominican food. It's funny, because I live over 15 miles from that restaurant and I must have visited it ten times in the last two years.

What I don't look forward to is Independence Avenue, which is incredibly unfriendly to pedestrian in its northern reaches. With the snow it's not going to be a picnic.

I'm still working on Sunday's pictures, some should be up by tonight.

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